

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Freebie Fancy Edge Card

 Hi everyone, hope you are all OK. Today's freebie is a blank card with a fancy edge for you to decorate yourself so it is quite versatile. Hope you will find a use for it.

Also if you would like to check out my store I have added some new designs. Here are a couple but there are quite a few more and not all are Christmas designs -

Download svg file here 

Download studio file here

 I would love if you could spare a moment to leave a  comment either here or on my Facebook page if you download the file.


  1. Thank you so much for the lovely card. Its very generous of you. I wish I had your talent .

  2. Just adore your cards and although my SnC is all packed up for moving it doesn't stop me from looking and longing.

  3. A Beautiful generic design Shirley, so beautiful. Love your Xmas cards, if they are as easy as the ones I have bought, whoopee. Although your designs are always easy. Thank you so much for your time and generosity.
    Faith x

  4. Thank you so much for your generosity. A simple card that packs a big punch.....Lovely!

  5. Thank you once again Shirley for a lovely card and all the cards I have bought from you are always so easy to assemble and I enjoy making them. Irene

  6. bonjour, je viens de decouvrir votre blog, je vais de ce pas le visiter , je vois qu il y a des motifs offerts c est vraiment tres gentil, a biento

  7. Thanks so much

  8. Thank you! I was looking for birthday cards, but this really caught my eye. Going to look around your shop a bit.

  9. Thank you for being so generous with the free designs you offer. It is much appreciated.

  10. Thank you so much from Canada :)


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