

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Dress with Shoe Box Card

At last the weather is feeling like Spring here - was beginning to think it was never going to get warmer. Have had a bit of a fraught week as our little cat Douglas had major dental surgery on Thursday and it has stressed us all out as it turned out to be quite a long op and he had to go on a drip. Has been for his post op check today but the vet wants to see him again next week just to make sure all is healing as he had to have quite a few stitches. At least he's back on his food so that's a relief. He usually 'helps' out in my Craft room but at the moment he's sleeping in his bed.

While he was having his op I tried to do some new designs and this is one of the new templates available on my website. I've also got another freebie to share which I will post later when I have taken a photo.

Hope you all have a nice weekend.


  1. Cute design Shirley and cute Douglas.xx

  2. This is so pretty Shirley. Glad douglas is Ok can sympathise as our little yorkie had to have alot of teeh out a couple of years ago but hes fine.

  3. Shirley, so glad Douglas is doing better. Love the photo! I have 2 kitty helpers myself. LOL Most times they are making a mess :). Sorry I have not been over to visit lately. My son was in the hospital, in-laws have had major health issues as well. So my life has been very crazy to say the least.

    Love the card!!

  4. Glad your puss is better.

    The cut file and card is fabulous Shirley, love all the details.


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