

Thursday, 29 November 2012

Re Hanging Snowflake Freebie

Just thought I would show you this photo sent to me my by my lovely Blogger friend Annie of the card she has made using the Hanging Snowflake freebie. I'm sure you'll agree that her interpretation of the template is fabulous. Annie makes really beautiful cards so why don't you check out her blog to see her creations. If you look in the Gallery you'll see more photos sent in by some of wonderful customers.

I'd also like to say a big thank those of you who take the time to leave me comments, I really do appreciate it.


  1. You are welcome and it's a pleasure Shirley to use your templates. This one was somehow special as it was a little different and has so many opportunities to decorate...luv annie

  2. Shirley, we should all let you know how we use our gifts and purchases from you, will try and do so in future, it must give you such a buzz.

  3. Thank you Faith that would be lovely


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