

Monday, 4 June 2012

Gardener's Card

Well I hope the weather today is going to be better than yesterday as we had non stop rain here in Yorkshire and it was really chilly, had to turn the Central Heating back on !! Anyway apart from watching some of the Jubilee Celebrations on the TV I made this card with a gardening theme. I think this is more suitable for a man so I might make it up again with ladies in mind using flowery paper for the wellies and backing.

Template available from my website


  1. It's great Shirley, maybe flowerly wellies for a lady too?
    I've got the heating back on also!

  2. Fab card Shirley I know so many gardeners fab design well done Hug Elaine

  3. Yep! we had heating on too!

    This is great Shirley and yes with perhaps floral paper it would be suitable for us ladies too


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